It's about this dystopian world set in the future. There's this place called Illyia? and it's basically America but it was owned by China until they became independent. Basically they've made a caste system of 1-8, eights are like slaves and ones are royalty. The main character in this book is called America Singer. She's a five. There's a competition call The Selection, whenever there is a prince heir who comes of age they hold it. It's basically like the bachelor but any caste can enter. America doesn't want to get in because she is secretly dating a boy called Aspen, who is a four. She can't really be with him, because if she married him she'd have to go down a caste. Her mum keeps telling her she should try to enter the competition and Aspen encourages her to as well. She applies and gets in, and the book is about her journey through the competition with the other girls and Maxon. While this is happening the Northern Rebels are attacking the palace every month, but it's the less frequent, more violent attacks from the Southern Rebels that are the real threat...
Rated: 5/5 Violins "It covers multiple genres; mystery, fantasy, romance and comedy."
My mum recommended this book, but I didn’t read it straight away. Eventually I read it and I fell in love with it. Every typical town by the seaside has its ghost stories, -but this time it’s real. Ages ago, three sisters were accused of being witches and were drowned in the ocean. Every Summer since they’ve come back for three weeks to inhabit the bodies of girls and seduce boys of the town and drown them. When they were alive they would seduce men and that’s why the townsfolk thought they were witches, tricking men into being unfaithful. It follows the life of a girl who gets inhabited by the youngest of the three sisters. Her name is Hazel Swan. The story follows Hazel and the girl she inhabits as she falls in love with a boy Beau, who is visiting the town where his brother was drowned…
Rated: 5/5 Sisters “It’s a love story really. I’ve read it twice it’s really good.”
The main theme of this book is romance. This guy Oliver is a uni student, he’s into statues and things. It’s set in Italy over the Summer holidays. Oliver meets a boy who lives in the house he is staying in and they fall in love. Where I’m up to, the boy is really confused with Oliver because when he looks at him, he thinks oh he really likes me and then the next moment he’ll turn around and see that he’s giving him a death stare so he’s really confused.
Rated: 4/5 Peaches“I’m really enjoying it so far”
About this girl called Ebony, but because ebony is another word for black, everyone calls her that. Her nickname has a reason because so far three of her close friends have died, and all in similar circumstances. She’s in her final days of high school and everyone thinks she’s cursed. So she’s in this small town and there’s this group of people, The Whispers, who are extremely religious and believe she is possessed by a demon. This same group also believed that another woman in the past was possessed and she ended up dying during the exorcism. So Black is finishing high school without any friends, and then this new guy Aiden arrives and they become close. Then Aiden gets hit by a car, he’s being taken to hospital and might have severe brain damage. The Whispers take action and begin to hunt Black down…
Rated: 4/5 crucifixes “really good, lots going on in this book”
In this world everything you say and most of things you do, you’ve got to pay for. Nothing is free. For instance ‘sorry’ is ten dollars and a legal admission of guilt. Once you get to the age of fifteen, things like giving someone a hug, or screaming or crying cost money, and most people go into debt. Everything has been copyrighted, including writing, so you can’t communicate that way either. Once you get so in debt, you’re taken away to work it off. This girl Speth (names cost money too, everyone looks for the cheapest possible options). On her last day before she turns 15, she has to give a speech, but the speech is basically written by the government. The day before you turn 15 is the day when you need to try to get the attention of sponsors, so you ca get an income and pay for all of the words you speak. When her best friend commits suicide due to debt, Speth decides not to speak at all as an act of rebellion. This goes all over the news and begins a world wide rebellion.
Rated: 4/5 Copyrights “I found it interesting, it was an interesting concept that everything is copyrighted, it’s like all the worst things about society but amplified.”
Rated: 5/5 Hats
“Very well written, you get to see about lots of the main characters.”
The main
character is Simon and he is the chosen one. His roommate Baz says he’s the
worst chosen one to ever be chosen, because he can’t control his powers unlike
everyone else, even though they’re in their last year of school. He’s the
chosen one because he has the most power and everyone else can sense it. How it
works is that everyone has auras, and when you are experiencing heightened
emotions everyone around you can sense it and even get a little high from it.
It’s quite slow
in the first part, but picks up when the second main character, Baz is
involved. The antagonist of the series is the Humdrum. No one knows exactly
what he is…
interesting seeing how you get to hear all the different back stories of the
characters. The perspective changes with each chapter and sometimes within
Rated: 5/5
Swords “Quite interesting. If you like Harry Potter you will definitely like
this one.”
There are
twelve short stories and at the moment I’m reading ‘The Red Headed Lady.’
Normally I’m a fast reader but for some reason I can only read these a
little bit at a time. There’s this red-headed guy and this competition that
only red heads can enter: The Red-headed League. It’s really weird. Red-headed
men around the world try to enter, but only people with certain red hair can
participate. They also pull on your hair to make sure it’s not a wig and also
check it’s not dyed. If you get in you get to work in an office and copy a
dictionary. When it gets shut down randomly, Sherlock investigates.
Rated: 4/5
Red-headed Men “Really good”
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